Buen vivir

Date created
Jul 22, 2022
Last tended
Feb 11, 2024
Growth stage

What is buen vivir

Buen vivir (literally "to live well" in Spanish), sumak kawsay in Quechua or vivir bien is an indigenous concept with a universalist vocation used in particular in Ecuador. Buen vivir is based on the principle of a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature, of a community life made up of mutual aid, shared responsibilities, collective production and distribution of wealth according to the needs of the members of the community. community. In Bolivia, a similar concept of Aymara origin is used, suma qamaña (to live well). In his book Buen vivir: to imagine other worlds, Alberto Acosta Espinosa (es) defines it as follows: “It lays the foundations for a harmonious relationship between man and nature, breaking with the degradation caused by economic model based on consumption and growth. It is developing a democracy of a new type which, in addition to taking into account future generations, integrates historically excluded segments of the population: women, immigrants, inhabitants of lower-income neighborhoods… ".