Circular Economy 101

Circular Economy 101

Circular Design
Circular Economy
Date created
Nov 14, 2021
Last tended
Jan 31, 2024
How should you approach Circular Economy as a beginner?
Drawing inspiration from the age-old wisdom, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime," leaves us to ponder how this applies to the burgeoning field of Circular Economy. Here's a roadmap for your exploration:
  1. Reveal your Circular expertise
  1. Engage in Circular discussion
  1. The Circular design practice
  1. Beyond the practice, the mindset

Reveal your Circular expertise

It might seem paradoxical for a site that claims to provide you with the basics of the Circular Economy, but fostering your personal understanding of the subject is imperative.
This is because the concept and application of Circular Economy are still evolving. Circularity is a taste to pre-existing expertises and the new flavors of jobs it creates are yet to be fully discovered.
First-hand exploration is encouraged to find the niche that aligns with your interests and skills, be it in the execution of a Circular design or in envisioning a Circular economy and its metrics.
To start you off, these resources should help unveil the nuances of the Circular Economy:

Engage in a Circular discussion

As an ever-defining systemic practice, Circularity calls for a collective pursuit of understanding. Indeed, nurturing dialogue is one of the most effective ways to unearth best practices. Leveraging the diversity of perspectives in forums, debates, networking events, and seminars can yield fresh insights on the path to proficiency in Circular Economy.
Some prominent events of the Circular Economy sphere include:

The Circular design practice

The practice of Circular Design boils down to three pivotal activities: Enable, Plan, Implement. It's through the symbiosis of these aspects that we're able to proactively transition towards a Circular society. Through a variety of case studies, the Circular Basecamp elucidates the practical applications of this triad.
The links below will guide you directly to those specific areas.
  1. Enable
  1. Plan
  1. Implement

A set of Circular “sources”

Fueling the practice are the sources, sets of valuable resources, tools and insights about the Circular Economy and Circular Design. Think about recycling rates per countries or the many “Circular Design Guides” and methods out there.
You will find a collage of the sources, organized around the model of the “Value Hill” at this address: Sources.

Beyond the practice, the mindset

Beyond the economic implications, embracing a circular perspective signifies a profound shift in lifestyle and values. It advocates for mindful consumption manifested through Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Recycle, and Remanufacture, an envisioning of a regenerative future, and a celebration of frugal innovations.
The Circular Basecamp provides a wealth of insights on this transformative journey. Take a look at the following articles to deepen your philosophical understanding of Circularity: