Dancing with systems

Dancing with systems

Circular Economy
Date created
Apr 26, 2021
Last tended
Feb 11, 2024
Donella Meadows coined the expression of 'Dancing with systems' for the practitioners of Systems thinking. The systems thinkers & designers who would know and respect the complexity lying before them.

A Humbling Experience

In his thought-provoking book "The Macroscope" (accessible in the library), Joel de Rosnay emphasizes the essential first step in working with a system - recognizing our interconnectedness within a supra-system. We are like cells, observing the human body. Conversely, we are the body looking down on the cell level. Understanding our interconnectedness with all the surrounding systems calls for a good dose of humility, our “self” is deeply intertwined with complex sub & supra-systems.

Everlasting Students

The Circular Economy presents boundless opportunities for exploration and discovery. This requires a continuous openness to new approaches and perspectives. In the realm of Circular Design, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
For these reasons, those who embark on the journey of system dancing must embrace the role of lifelong learners. Humility becomes an unwavering companion on each step of the path.

The Art of Collective Learning: Crowdlearning

Yet lifelong learning need not be a solitary pursuit. In fact, no individual Circular designer can bring about the transformation of a circular system on their own. Dancing with circular systems is a collective activity - a collaborative exploration known as crowdlearning.
Crowdlearning is the collaborative practice that leads to a finer understanding of, in our case, Circularity. Explore Crowdlearning further in the garden.

Expert System Dancers, Exemplary Humans

To become skilled system dancers, we must first learn to embody the essence of collaboration and cooperation. The finest learners are those who excel in harmonizing their strengths with the talents of others. This requires a personal equilibrium and a non-violent approach to interaction. In our pursuit of mastery, we can draw inspiration from non-violent communication and collective intelligence practices.

Embracing Our Humanity

Ultimately, the process of learning to become system dancers transcends the intellectual exercise. It is a tangible application of one’s humanity. As we embark on this odyssey together, we blend learning and practice, enriching both ourselves and the interconnecting systems that envelop us.