Economists will save the planet (with a bit of help)

Economists will save the planet (with a bit of help)

Date created
Mar 17, 2024
Last tended
Mar 17, 2024
Julie Bouvot - William Honvo

Chapter 1. Scams, crimes and botany

Introducing polluted courgette.

Chapter 2. Deadbeat polluters

About the real price of things.
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The tax to create the right price of things
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Detour by the Ministry of Economy & finances.
Taxing properly the right stakeholders is complex and hindered by heavy administrative processes (reports, counter reports etc.)

Chapter 3. Regulate to protect

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Ministry of ecological transition.
National assembly.
The double dividend of ecological taxation
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Chapter 4. Finance the transition to invest in the future

Financing investments and the green Taxonomy
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  • The Green Taxonomy
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Chapter 5. Market’s promises

European commission
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  • Carbon tax at the borders

Chapter 6. International coordination, local problems global solutions

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The principles of COP and the Paris Agreement
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The limits of international Agreements
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The tragedy of the commons
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Chapter 7. Cultivate your garden

The Circular Economy Game
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