Exploration and Craftsmanship

Date created
Sep 11, 2021
Last tended
Jul 23, 2022
Growth stage

The Crafts(wo)man-Explorer.

Craftsmanship and exploration are two faces of the same coin.
Picture of an explorer cutting trees with a pen

Curiosity-led activities

Craft(wo)manship and exploration are both curiosity-led activities. They derive from the eagerness to know more and the love of the discovery process.
  1. Eagerness to know more: Building resilience Humans have a constant willingness to be more prepared, to get themselves ready for the unknown. This translates into a natural curiosity for what is unknown and a will to progress. (We've treated the idea of progress & development in the essay about antifragile-circularity, check it out!)
  1. Discovery process Through curiosity, there is also a real interest in the act of discovering something unknown, that is in the process of discovering itself. Who never heard that the path is more important than the destination?

We find these two axis into Craftmanship & Exploration

The good craft(wo)man is practicing its art while getting better at it. He or she is constantly mapping the boudaries of its skills, pushing to achieve a "better" craft.
The good explorer is also pushing boudaries, those being physical or mental through the understanding of a certain culture or civilization.

Circular Economy is offering new boudaries

The circular economy is offering an horizon as a society where waste doesn't exist. Instead of seeing it as a challenge, we can choose to see it as a frontier to discover, a boudary to push.
Why not being curious about the application of the Circular Economy?
This pushes us away from the doom & gloom scenarios of global collapse and further into the action.