How everything can collapse

How everything can collapse

Date created
Oct 13, 2021
Last tended
Jul 23, 2022
"Comment tout peut s'effondrer" (How Everything Can Collapse) by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens is a foundational work in the study of collapsology. The book delves into the concept of societal collapse, exploring the reasons why our current global system is vulnerable to a range of crises including ecological degradation, resource scarcity, economic instability, and social inequality. Through a thorough analysis supported by numerous studies and scientific models, Servigne and Stevens examine the interconnectedness of modern civilization’s crucial systems and how their potential simultaneous failure could lead to widespread collapse. The authors argue for a radical change in how we think about and prepare for the future, advocating for resilience, adaptability, and solidarity as key principles to mitigate the impact of possible collapse scenarios. The book is not just a doom-and-gloom prophecy but serves as a wake-up call, encouraging readers to reevaluate their relationship with the environment, economy, and each other in the face of looming systemic challenges.