

Non-duality is a philosophical and spiritual concept that suggests an inherent oneness and interconnectedness of all things, transcending the perceived duality of existence such as good versus bad, self versus other, or subject versus object. In non-duality, there is an emphasis on the unity of the universe and the indivisibility of all phenomena. It implies that everything is interconnected and interdependent, and that distinctions between different entities are illusory. Non-duality often arises in Eastern philosophies and spiritual traditions, particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta. It highlights the idea that reality is essentially one undivided whole, where the concept of a separate self or ego is seen as a construct of the mind. Practitioners of non-duality seek to transcend the illusion of separateness and dualistic thinking to experience a sense of unity, wholeness, and interconnectedness with all existence. The concept of non-duality encourages individuals to move beyond binary thinking and dualistic perceptions to realize the fundamental unity and harmony of existence. It invites a shift in consciousness towards embracing the underlying oneness of all things and experiencing a deeper connection to the world and others around us.

Advanced Circularity mindset

Everything is emerging from the same field of consciousness.
Accumulation and extraction to serve a personal motive are pointless as the self is a concept.