Paper / Fiber based / Pulp

you need to include mister Fibre Based Packaging: Thomas Boets!
vision hunters
main brand owners with major influence within 4EG: Danone, P&G, Nestle
Illustrative video to demonstrate challenges at recyclers - use autranslate functions if you are not speaking German:
[10:59 a.m.] Bal, Diederik
[11:06 a.m.] Bal, Diederik
major Adhesive player, with considerable lobbying power:
H.B. Fuller
H.B. Fuller, experts in industrial adhesives, industrial coatings, industrial sealants and specialty materials in two dozen markets. Learn more.

[11:11 a.m.] Bal, Diederik
relevant EU regulation in the making that scares the .... out of some members:
[11:16 a.m.] Bal, Diederik
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) is a piece of legislation that aims to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and packaging waste in the European Union. It was first adopted in 1994 and has been revised several times since then.
The current PPWR, which came into force in 2019, sets out a number of requirements for packaging and packaging waste management, including:
  • All packaging placed on the EU market must be recyclable or reusable by 2030.
  • Member states must achieve recycling targets of 65% for all packaging waste and 70% for plastic packaging waste by 2030.
  • Member states must reduce single-use plastic packaging items by 25% by 2025 and ban them completely by 2030.
The PPWR also sets out a number of measures to promote the use of recycled materials in packaging, such as extended producer responsibility schemes and minimum recycled content requirements.
The PPWR is an important piece of legislation in the EU's efforts to transition to a circular economy. It is helping to reduce the amount of packaging waste generated and to increase the recycling of packaging materials.
Here is a short summary of the key objectives of the PPWR:
  • To reduce the generation of packaging waste
  • To promote a circular economy for packaging in a cost-effective manner
  • To promote the use of recycled content in packaging
  • To protect the environment from the negative impacts of packaging and packaging waste
The PPWR is a complex piece of legislation, but it is an important one in the EU's efforts to reduce waste and protect the environment.
[11:16 a.m.] Bal, Diederik
very very short summary
notion image
Contamination (Food contamination in waste streams)