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Circular Economy
Date created
Feb 18, 2024
Last tended
Feb 18, 2024
An overview of the Circular Basecamp website for new readers. If you are lost, this page should help you.
Hi I’m Baptiste, a Circular Design Engineer from France working in the Netherlands. The Circular Basecamp blog is my humble attempt at clarifying thoughts, ideas & frameworks about the Circular Economy, Circular Design and the Mindful Life. It is both an idea portfolio and a series of articles intended to help conscious citizens to grow their understanding and practice of a more sustainable lifestyle informed by the principles of the Circular Economy, in short: A Circular Lifestyle.
The list below will serve as a map of the Basecamp, from the idea behind its creation to advanced topics about living more Sustainably and pushing the Circular transition at work.
If you are stumbling upon this content and it sparks thoughts or observations, don’t hesitate to reach out, I’ll be happy to spar on any of it!

Circular Basecamp’s reading series

Why the basecamp?

The original idea behind the basecamp metaphor and why you could be on the verge of starting your best hike.

Step into the Circle.

Chances are you might be concerned by the devastating effects of Climate change. This section aims to articulate the reasons that may transform this concern into actions and why the Circular Economy is an essential vision for the future of Humanity.
  • On Repair

Circular Economy 101

The Circular Economy is multi-faceted. Each may find his or her own expertise applied in an Economy which became Circular. This section is about the basics of the Circular Economy and points to some of the finest resources for eager learners.

Effectively pushing the Circular transition

Living more Circularly won’t rely on technical solutions only. While it is already complex to deploy reuse & refill ecosystems at scale, the success of Circular systems heavily depends on consumers’ choices which in turns is heavily influenced by societies’ dominant definition of a “successful life”. Going beyond materialism and promoting new shared stories is pivotal in effectively pushing the Circular transition.

Circular Lifestyle

By then, we’ll have seen that the Circular Economy goes beyond a purely technical and financial societal vision. It is also bearing sustainable values that you can embed into your life to generate meaning and direction. Rather than a catastrophic outlook on the fight for Climate change, the Circular Lifestyle offers the opportunity to “do your best” and take action concretely.
  • What is the Circular Lifestyle

Sustainability & spirituality

Living Sustainably is a vector of meaning & direction. We’ll also see that it can support the re-definition of what is sacred in our societies. Much like religions, it bears a moral code, defining what is good or bad on our planet. This section explores this dimensions & expand upon spiritualities which are transcending materialism; not only as a consumer but as a human being.
  • Sacred carbon