The human bug

The human bug

Date created
Mar 17, 2024
Last tended
Mar 17, 2024
Sebastien Bohler
"Le Bug Humain" by Sébastien Bohler is a provocative exploration into the evolutionary roots of human behaviors that are contributing to the current environmental and social crises facing the planet. Published in 2019, this thought-provoking book delves into how primal instincts, embedded in the oldest part of our brain - the striatum - drive humanity to pursue short-term satisfaction and reward, often at the expense of long-term sustainability and collective well-being.
The "human bug" referred to in the title is essentially a flaw in our evolutionary programming. Bohler argues that while these instincts helped our ancestors survive by focusing on immediate needs and rewards such as food, reproduction, and social status, they are maladapted to the modern world where actions have far-reaching and long-term consequences. This misalignment results in behaviors that contribute to overconsumption, environmental destruction, and climate change, putting the future of the planet at risk.
Through a combination of neuroscience, psychology, and anthropology, Bohler provides a compelling narrative that explains why humans are predisposed to behaviors that are counterproductive in the context of today's global challenges. "Le Bug Humain" challenges readers to confront these ingrained tendencies and consider how society might restructure its values and priorities for a sustainable future. The book is a call to action, urging a rethinking of our economic, social, and environmental practices to address the "bug" in our programming.