TUDelft Seminar - Circular electronics

M2i - Material consortium - Foundation located in TUDelft. (see slides shared concerning what they do precisely).
Keen on partnering to build consortiums (national/Eu projects)
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Project - Circular circuits (https://circularcircuits.nl)

Critical raw materials Act - 16th of March 2023 (Member states must comply) - Not horizon funded
  • Dorien van Dolderen - Recycling stages and stakeholders+ Design guidelines (Her goal defining the proper Design guidelines for Circular Electronics)
  • Eneko Ayerza Insausti - IPD graduation (system perspectives)
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Lifetime extension via Redesigning for Reliability

G.Q.Zhang (TUDelft)
The steps of the process for PCB design (see the slide).
Creating lifetime extension challenges (D4R) - Simulation models for electronics, Going from deterministic to probabilistic.
Big breadth of topics concerning the reliability of components.
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Drawing stats on root causes of certain failure modes.