
WEEE facts

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is the European Community Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which, together with the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, became European Law in February 2003.

WEEE Facts

In its WEEE directive  the European Union identifies 6 product categories to classify Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Together they consist of 54 individual product groups  They are used to gather statistics about these waste streams. The six main groups are:
  1. Temperature Exchange Equipment (refrigerators, heat pumps, air conditioners, etc.)
  1. Screens and Monitors
  1. Lamps
  1. Large equipment (stoves, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.)
  1. Small equipment (cameras, microwaves, small electrical tools or toys, etc.)
  1. Small IT and Telecommunications Equipment (routers, computers, (mobile) phones, etc.)
So, how many of these products are collected for recycling every year?
notion image
Source: UNU/ UNITAR and ITU, The Global e-waste Monitor report (2020)
Of the 53,6 million metric tons (Mt) of e-waste generated globally in 2019 (on average that is 7,3 kg per person) about 17% (9,3 Mt) was documented to have been collected and properly recycled. Since 2014, documented recycling of WEEE has grown with 0,4 Mt per year. Yet, during that same period, E-waste generation grew annually by about 2 Mt, which shows that developments in collection and recycling are unable to keep up and must be expanded (UNU/ UNITAR & ITU, 2020). E-waste that is not formally collected and treated responsibly either ends up in household waste or is dismantled to retrieve their valuable components in ways that are harmful to the environment and human health. In module 4 we will investigate how E-waste collection might be improved.

How do recycling processes differ ?

WEEE - Small appliances
WEEE - Large appliances
WEEE - Flat screens
WEEE - Medical appliances (MIREC)
WEEE - Processing MIREC

Other products

If the product that you’re designing does not correspond to the ones discussed until now, consult more specific recycling processes on ecosystem’s website. Ecosystem is a non-profit organisation collecting, decontaminating and recycling household WEEE in France.
List of contaminants to be sorted by recyclers
Shredding vs Dismantling


    Case studies & examples

    See also
