What is Circular Basecamp?

What is Circular Basecamp?

Circular Design
Date created
Nov 14, 2021
Last tended
Jan 31, 2024

The Circular Basecamp

Base camp (noun) : A main encampment providing supplies, shelter, and communications for persons engaged in wide-ranging activities, as exploring, reconnaissance, hunting, or mountain climbing.
Step into a future where the Circular Economy takes center stage. Picture it - a world that dances to a different rhythm, where scarcity sparks ingenuity, rampant consumerism finds balance, and reusing, repairing, and remanufacturing are the conductors of this symphony. The Circular Economy isn't a monolith that's set in stone; it's a river that ebbs and flows. So, instead of asking if it will reach its peak, let's uncover the milestones along its course.
Welcome, to your Circular Basecamp - a toolkit and guide for those navigating the manifold routes to circularity.

What is an Economy?

An economy asks 3 questions:
  • What to produce?
  • How to produce it?
  • Who gets the benefits?
It also has 3 main components':
  • The flows of materials
  • The flows of energy
  • The flows of information (particularly money)
Source: Ken Webster DIF's video
Being reliant on flows, an economy is more fluctuant than static. It changes constantly, dynamically. To think of it as something static, that reaches saturation, is like expecting a river to follow a straight line. It might be more enlightening to think of the Circular Economy like an ever-evolving melody, adding new notes and variations over time.
Instead of seeking a finite 'end state' for Circular Economy, let's switch tracks to explore something bit more concrete and equally exciting. How about we uncover the real-world applications and achievements that are tuning up the Circular Economy and ask an entirely more adventurous question — how do we set the stage for these and potentially more?

The Basecamp

Circular Basecamp is just about that, helping the practitioners of the Circular Economy to envision the "Circular peaks" to conquer and to give the tools needed to start their hikes. It's a living laboratory where guests can delve into the principles of circularity and apply them to their own lives.
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Circular Basecamp’s key principles

#1 Terrain of the Circular Economy

Understanding the Circular Economy begins with three cardinal questions on production, processes, and benefits, and the pivotal triad of material, energy, and information flows. With these as your markers, view the Circular Economy not just as a destination but more like a scenic trail with multitude of peaks marking progress and potential.

#2 Landmarks of Circularity

Like any explorer, identifying unique landmarks can enhance your journey towards circularity. These are embodied by real-world "Product-service-systems" that are shaping the landscape of the Circular Economy. Take BlaBlaCar, reducing the strain on our vehicle production needs by optimizing what's already there - a tangible landmark in your circular adventure.

#3 Packing for a Circular Adventure

For any journey, preparations are key. Circular Basecamp clears the fog by providing a roadmap to Circular Design and a primer on the Circular Economy. Need help packing your bag for this adventure? Our "Growing Your Backpack" section has got you covered.

#4 A Learn-as-You-Go Exploration

Reaching the Basecamp is an accomplishment, but the real adventure lies in the exploration ahead. Learning and understanding Circular Design arise from the experience of following the trail and navigating its twists and turns. Remember, the guidebook can help you plan, but the real insights are found along the path.

#5 Expedition Teamwork

Circular exploration is a collaborative endeavor. Shared knowledge, resources, and support from other pioneers can make the journey less daunting and more fruitful. So, reach out to your fellow hikers and together, let's chart this path.
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Circular Basecamp’s overview

Four integrated sections make up your Circular Basecamp, enhancing each others' potential in this adventure:
  1. The Digital Garden: Threads of thoughts and ideas, related but not bound to the Circular Economy, offering diverse landscapes to navigate.
  1. Viewpoints: Reflective essays that provide key roadside views into the depth and width of the Circular Economy, Circular Design and Mindful Life.
  1. Totems: Stories are best remembered visually. These elaborative aids make navigating the Circular Economy, Circular Design and the Mindful Life less of a maze and more of an art.
  1. Library: A curated collection of books that form the signposts and lighthouses guiding you deeper into the Circular Economy.

Dive in

If you're just stepping onto the trail, "Circular Economy 101" could be your first step. Enjoy your hike and remember, at the Basecamp, we're always here to swap stories.
Happy trails,